Results for 'Scott William Gust'

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  1.  22
    “Look Out for the Football Players and the Frat Boys”: Autoethnographic Reflections of a Gay Teacher in a Gay Curricular Experience.Scott William Gust - 2007 - Educational Studies 41 (1):43-60.
    The choice of a teacher to be ?out? in the classroom is perhaps unadvisable, possibly joyous, potentially disastrous, positively political, and just plain hard. For me, the choice to be out in the classroom has met with some consequences that do not match my expectations. This essay is an autoethnographic writing performance of my identity as a gay man and a teacher. To begin, I offer the narrative context in which I first approached the classroom as an openly gay teacher. (...)
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    Report From Bill Scott On Polanyi Biography.William T. Scott - 1981 - Tradition and Discovery 8 (2):2-3.
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    Did the creeping vole sex chromosomes evolve through a cascade of adaptive responses to a selfish x chromosome?Scott William Roy - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (12):2100164.
    The creeping vole Microtus oregoni exhibits remarkably transformed sex chromosome biology, with complete chromosome drive/drag, X‐Y fusions, sex reversed X complements, biased X inactivation, and X chromosome degradation. Beginning with a selfish X chromosome, I propose a series of adaptations leading to this system, each compensating for deleterious consequences of the preceding adaptation: (1) YY embryonic inviability favored evolution of a selfish feminizing X chromosome; (2) the consequent Y chromosome transmission disadvantage favored X‐Y fusion (“XP”); (3) Xist‐based silencing of Y‐derived (...)
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    Referee report on an earlier draft of Peters and Ceci's target article.William A. Scott - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (2):238-238.
  5.  31
    Enchanted (and Disenchanted) Amazonia: Environmental Ethics and Cultural Identity in Northern Brazil.Scott William Hoefle - 2009 - Ethics, Place and Environment 12 (1):107-130.
    Socio-spatial diversity of environmental ethics and regional-ethnic identity in northern Brazil is examined with the aim of presenting a culturally complex account of Amazonian worldviews in the making. These worldviews involve the variable merging of Amerindian, riverine peasant and new settler beliefs. Interpretative and empiricist textual strategies are juxtaposed in order to explore both broad human-environmental relations, as seen through the prism of enchanted and disenchanted worldviews, as well as the subtlety of belief and disbelief in specific elements of worldview, (...)
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    The Janowice Conference, polanyi In Poland.William T. Scott - 1988 - Tradition and Discovery 16 (2):28-32.
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    In response to letter from Benoit Chabot.Scott William Roy & Manuel Irimia - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (11-12):1257-1258.
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    (1 other version)Francis Hutcheson: his life, teaching, and position in the history of philosophy.William Robert Scott - 1900 - Bristol, England: Thoemmes Press.
    The main aim of this work was initially a modest one, 'to collect information as to the main facts of Hutcheson's life in Dublin prior to his appointment as Professor at Glasgow'. As the materials grew, however, and Scott's interest in Hutcheson deepened, the planned article expanded into a book that has since become the standard biography. The emphasis throughout is on the development of Hurcheson's thought in the context of an ongoing debate with his contemporaries.
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  9. Francis Hutcheson; his life, teaching and position in the history of philosophy.William P. Scott - 1900 - [n. p.],:
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    Traum und Sinnestauschung bei Aischylos, Sophokles, Euripides.William C. Scott & Robert Lennig - 1972 - American Journal of Philology 93 (2):369.
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  11. Musical Design in Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrranus.William Scott - 1997 - Arion 4 (1).
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    Privilege and Profit. A business family in eighteenth-century France.William Scott - 1990 - History of European Ideas 12 (5):690-691.
  13.  18
    Commerce, capitalism and the political culture of the French Revolution.William Scott - 1989 - History of European Ideas 11 (1-6):89-105.
  14.  45
    A bridge from science to religion based on Polanyi's theory of knowledge.William T. Scott - 1970 - Zygon 5 (1):41-62.
  15. Did the French Revolution have a philosophy of history?William Scott - 2006 - In Alexander Lyon Macfie, The philosophy of history: talks given at the Institute of Historical Research, London, 2000-2006. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Universities and sustainable development: the necessity for barriers to change.William Scott & Stephen Gough - 2007 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 11 (4):107-115.
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  17. Une nouvelle affirmation de la rationalité.-II. L'ontologie de M. Polanyi.William T. Scott - 1972 - Archives de Philosophie 35 (2):245.
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    Commitment-polanyian view.William T. Scott - 1977 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 8 (3):192-206.
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    Tacit knowing and the concept of mind.William T. Scott - 1971 - Philosophical Quarterly 21 (82):22-35.
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    Michael Polanyi: scientist and philosopher.William T. Scott - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Martin X. Moleski.
    Michael Polanyi was one of the great figures of European intellectual life in the 20th century. A highly acclaimed physical chemist in the first period of his career who became a celebrated philosopher after World War II, Polanyi taught in Germany, England, and the United States and associated with many of the leading intellects of his time. His biography has remained unwritten partly because his many and scattered interests in a wide variety of fields, including six subfields of physical chemistry, (...)
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    Michael Polanyi: Scientist and Philosopher.William Taussig Scott & Martin X. Moleski - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press USA. Edited by Martin X. Moleski.
    Michael Polanyi was one of the great figures of European intellectual life in the 20th century. A highly acclaimed physical chemist in the first period of his career who became a celebrated philosopher after World War II, Polanyi taught in Germany, England, and the United States and associated with many of the leading intellects of his time. His biography has remained unwritten partly because his many and scattered interests in a wide variety of fields, including six subfields of physical chemistry, (...)
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    American Academy of Religion Consultation on Polanyi and the Interpretation of Religion Dallas, Nov. 9.William T. Scott - 1980 - Tradition and Discovery 8 (1):1-3.
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    Reading the Genotext in Harryette Mullen’s Muse & Drudge: “Sapphire’s lyre styles…”.William Scott - 2018 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 26 (2):32-42.
    In her early work on Modernist poetry and avant-garde poetics, Julia Kristeva proposed a bifurcated view of the poetic text as simultaneously constituted by both a “genotext” and a “phenotext.” Reading the “genotext” of any given poem might start by “pointing out the transfers of drive energy that can be detected in phonematic devices and melodic devices ”; and, in her words, it would also need to take into consideration “the way semantic and categorial fields are set out in syntactic (...)
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    (1 other version)Religious world‐view and environment in the Sertão of North‐East Brazil.Scott William Hoefle - 1999 - Philosophy and Geography 2 (1):55 – 79.
    The importance of religious cosmology for environmental ethics is explored in a case-study of enchanted and disenchanted world-views in the Sert o of North-east Brazil. Popular Catholicism is shown to have retained an enchanted world-view of humans interacting with saints, souls and animist spirits. In order to differentiate themselves from Catholics, evangelical Protestants pursue a disenchanted view of the natural environment but hold a highly supernatural view of human society. Afro-Brazilian cult members are Catholics who graft an enchanted view of (...)
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  25. "A Woman's Thought Runs Before Her Actions": Vows as Speech Acts in As You Like It.William O. Scott - 2006 - Philosophy and Literature 30 (2):528-539.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:"A Woman's Thought Runs Before Her Actions":Vows as Speech Acts in As You Like ItWilliam O. ScottAbout a decade ago Susanne Wofford discussed As You Like It from the viewpoint that Rosalind uses a "proxy," her guise as Ganymede, in uttering "the performative language necessary to accomplish deeds such as marriage." 1 Thus Wofford complicated and qualified the success-oriented assumptions about performative usage of language as envisioned in Austin's (...)
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  26.  15
    The Splitting of Choral Lyric in Aeschylus' Oresteia.William Scott - 1984 - American Journal of Philology 105 (2):150.
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  27. Organizational Values in America.William G. Scott & David K. Hart - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (6):450-470.
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  28.  28
    When good transcripts go bad: artifactual RT‐PCR 'splicing' and genome analysis.Scott William Roy & Manuel Irimia - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (6):601-605.
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    Environmental Education: Arguing the case for multiple approaches.William Scott - 1999 - Educational Studies 25 (1):89-97.
    This paper develops existing arguments about the need to rethink ways in which environmental education is conceptualised, interpreted and enacted by schools, teachers and students working within their communities. In doing this, it critiques what it sees as the narrowing and constraining influence that socially critical theory has exerted over the field, and calls for multiple approaches, carefully and communally deliberated on, in order to deliver the (environmental) educational goals deemed appropriate and necessary by schools and communities. Such an approach, (...)
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    Reply to Ruth Anna Putnam.William T. Scott - 1972 - Mind 81 (324):581-583.
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  31. My View of the World by Erwin Schrodinger; Cecily Hastings. [REVIEW]William Scott - 1967 - Isis 58:141-143.
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  32. Consciousness and self-consciousness.William Henry Scott - 1918 - Philosophical Review 27 (1):1-20.
  33. The problem or mystery of evil and virtue in organizations.William G. Scott & Terence R. Mitchell - 1988 - In Konstantin Kolenda, Organizations and ethical individualism. New York: Praeger. pp. 47--72.
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    The question of a religious reality: Commentary on the Polanyi papers.William T. Scott - 1982 - Zygon 17 (1):83-87.
    . Two aspects of the problem of interpreting Michael Polanyi’s outlook on religion are discussed. First, various ways of relating to reality beyond the objective perception of factuality must be considered, including the shift from I-It to I-Thou relations, and the self-giving mode of surrender to a symbolized reality. Second, the active use of the imagination in perception involves a commitment that the image is of something real, transcending the person. I believe that Polanyi understands both religious rituals and works (...)
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  35. Administrative Crisis.William G. Scott & David K. Hart - 2001 - In Willa M. Bruce, Classics of administrative ethics. Boulder: Westview Press. pp. 410.
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    At the Wheel of the World.William Taussig Scott - 1998 - Tradition and Discovery 25 (3):10-25.
    This essay provides some interesting elements of early Polanyi family history as well as comments on Budapest and Hungarian history and culture at the turn of the century. It presents the Polanyis as intellectuals immersed in a worldly environment, led by “Cecil-Mama,” the radical mother of Michael Polanyi.
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    "A woman's thought runs before her actions": Vows as speech acts in.William O. Scott - 2006 - Philosophy and Literature 30 (2):2.
  38. Comptes rendus.William T. Scott - 1972 - Archives de Philosophie:321.
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    On Harré on the Structure of Tacit Knowledge.William T. Scott - 1982 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 13 (3):300-301.
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    The French in New York: Resistance and Structure.Peter Rutkoff & William Scott - 1983 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 50.
  41.  78
    Post-Humanist Liberal Pragmatism? Environmental Education out of Modernity.Andrew Stables & William Scott - 2001 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 35 (2):269-279.
    The authors critique C. A. Bowers' argument that education for sustainability must be inspired by the practices of pre-modern cultures, and cannot be promoted through the postmodern pragmatism of Richard Rorty. Environmental education must rather be grounded in contemporary cultural practice. Although Rorty, like many other postmodernists, has shown little concern for the ecological crisis, his approach is potentially applicable to it. What is required is a broadening of focus: the ecological crisis is a crisis of post-Enlightenment humanism as well (...)
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    Environmental education and the discourses of humanist modernity: Redefining critical environmental literacy.Andrew Stables & William Scott - 1999 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 31 (2):145–155.
  43.  21
    The Oral Nature of the Homeric Simile.Deborah D. Boedeker & William C. Scott - 1975 - American Journal of Philology 96 (3):306.
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    Exploring the Purposes of Qualitative Data Coding in Educational Enquiry: Insights from recent research.Stephen Gough & William Scott - 2000 - Educational Studies 26 (3):339-354.
    A number of questions are raised concerning the purposes of data coding in qualitative research. It is suggested that in some cases these purposes may usefully be organised into two broad categories, each of which requires a separate coding response. A research project is briefly described in which it was found useful to employ two distinct, though connected, phases of data coding along the lines proposed.
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    Attributions and moral judgments: Kohlberg’s stage theory as a taxonomy of moral attributions.Donelson R. Forsyth & William L. Scott - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (4):321-323.
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  46. John Kekes is Professor of Philosophy at the State University of New York at Albany. Alan S. Waterman is Professor of Psychology at Trenton State College in Trenton, New Jersey. [REVIEW]William G. Scott, Terence R. Mitchell, David K. Hart, David L. Norton, Peter R. Breggin & Konstantin Kolenda - 1988 - In Konstantin Kolenda, Organizations and ethical individualism. New York: Praeger.
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    Curriculum development and sustainable development: Practices, institutions and literacies.Stephen Gough & William Scott - 2001 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 33 (2):137–152.
  48.  7
    Scottish Enlightenment Iii.David Berman, John Vladimir Price & William Scott (eds.) - 1994 - Routledge.
    The third collection in this series includes the same combination of scarce and not so well-known texts as well as more important and popular works.
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  49. In Defense of a Latin Social Trinity: A Response to William Hasker.Scott M. Williams - 2020 - Faith and Philosophy 37 (1):96-117.
    In “Unity of Action in a Latin Social Model of the Trinity,” I objected to William Hasker’s Social Model of the Trinity on the grounds that it does not secure the necessary agreement between the divine persons. Further, I developed a Latin Social model of the Trinity. Hasker has responded by defending his Social Model and by raising seven objections against my Latin Social Model. Here I raise a new objection against Hasker on the grounds that it is inconsistent (...)
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    (1 other version)Greek imperialism.William Scott Ferguson - 1913 - Boston,: Houghton Mifflin company.
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